Innovation is where creativity and utility meet
We give leaders permission to experiment—to take bold risks, embrace innovation, and see failure as fuel for the future. This isn’t about playing it safe; it’s about breaking barriers, making moves, and empowering others to lead boldly.
Dream. Dare. Disrupt.
Welcome to The Hub!
Connect with Us!
In the Sandbox Podcast
Check out the second season of our podcast where we interview leaders and innovators from across the country. In this season, we invite our guests to share experiences of adaptive leadership, and how they’ve lead in an ever-changing landscape. Episode are dropping weekly, and soon be on the look out for our next season coming soon!!
NOLA Cohorts
The Hub4Innovation is launching a new series of cohorts in New Orleans, LA, beginning in March, designed to equip ministry leaders and entrepreneurs with essential skills for today's evolving landscape. Serving church leaders, nonprofit executives, and creative visionaries, these new cohorts will expand community and creative innovative impact.
Field Ed Cohorts
Check back soon for new information about upcoming learning cohorts as well as field education opportunities for United Methodist Seminary students from across the country. As we continue to expand the Hub into new places and spaces, we want to hear from you! Tell us about your ministry or leadership context and how we can help!